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Agro-Ecology & Ancestral Alchemy

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The Importance of Native Plants

Wide-spread deforestation due to industrial agriculture, exploitation of natural resources, and urban sprawl threatens the survival of native plants in...
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Reflections on 20 Years on the Mountain

So, it's been two decades since I co-purchased a little degraded piece of an Andean mountainside, and committed to found...
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Homesteading Myths & Misconceptions

There’s a lot of talk these days about getting “back to the land” and learning old timey skills is becoming...
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15 Edible Ground Covers for Your Yard & Garden

If you’re looking to reduce your grocery bill, add beauty and intrigue to your yard, or swap out your lawn...
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Forest Garden Design Strategy

Yves shares how he creates designs for forest gardens in this excerpt from his Conservation Corner interview in the Winter...
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Tulipán (Spathodea campanulata)

Tulipán, also known as African tulip tree or Llama del Bosque, is in the Bignoniaceae family and is native to...
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Myxomatosis in Rabbits

Myxomatosis is a highly contagious viral disease, caused by the myxoma virus, that affects rabbits worldwide.  Among European domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus...
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Noni (Morinda citrifolia)

Morinda citrifolia is a small tree in the Rubiaceae, or coffee family. It is commonly called noni, Indian mulberry, or...
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Persian Lilac (Melia azedarach)

Persian Lilac is a small to medium sized tree in the Meliaceae family. It is a close relative of neem...
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Useful Ornamental Plants of Vilcabamba

While ornamental plants are appreciated for their beauty, most of these plants have numerous practical applications too. These plants are...
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White Sapote (Casimiroa edulis)

We’re at the end of white sapote season here in southern Ecuador. The last of the many fruits I’ve purchased...
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Treating Mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) Infestations in Rabbits

In the five years I’ve been keeping rabbits, I’ve seen a variety of health complications arise, but certainly the most...
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Ají (Capsicum pubescens)

Capsicum pubescens is commonly known as rocoto, tree chile, or ají (a less specific name that is used to refer...
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Horchata: A Traditional Ecuadorian Drink

Many people are familiar with Mexican horchata, a creamy, rice based drink.  Ecuadorian horchata, however, is very different.  In Ecuador, horchata...
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Arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza)

Arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) is an Apiaceae family plant, also commonly known as Peruvian parsnip, apio criollo, zanahoria blanca, or white...
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Granadilla (Passiflora ligularis)

Passiflora ligularis, commonly known as granadilla, is a Passion flower species that grows prolifically in our mountainside gardens and in...
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Edible & Medicinal Plants of Olón, Ecuador

One of my favorite things about exploring a new place is getting to know the plants that grow there and...
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Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense)

One of our favorite Andean fruits to grow is naranjilla (Solanum quitoense). Also known as lulo, naranjilla is a Solanaceae...
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A Year on the Mountain — Looking Back at 2020

Here we are at the beginning of a new year. So much of 2020 was strange & unsettling, but life...
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Achiote (Bixa orellana)

Achiote, also commonly known as annatto, bija, or urucum, is a lovely evergreen shrub in the Bixaceae family that is...
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