After a youth learning about everything that’s degrading our planet, and how just the act of living in the developed world contribute to those problems, I moved to the Andes to dedicate my life to finding and being solutions.
I cofounded Sacred Sueños in 2004, liberating a severely degraded mountainside to regenerate and reforest, with the help of a community of global volunteers.

Decades later, I still steward the Sacred Sueños Eco-reserve, and try to plant at least 100 trees/year there… but most of my time is dedicated to my family, building and maintaining our home & gardens, caring for goats, chickens, a horse & donkey, and whatever else is needed to live off-road and off-grid.

My new passion is to help small property owners across the world, re-wilding their yards in a way that provides food, medicine, and other services, by teaching and consulting about ecology inspired landscaping.
Ecology Inspired Landscaping combines science and personal observation, in order to design and implement productive and biodiverse systems that are low cost and easy to manage.
Click here to learn more about my Ecology Inspired consulting and support services.
I’m currently working on a podcast series that will be a component of an upcoming introductory course on Ecology Inspired Landscaping.
If any of that sounds as interesting to you as it does to me, sign up for our monthly newsletter to receive updates about their releases, as well as a little window into the lives of our family, the land, and all the lovely creatures within Sierra y Cielo.