There is no animal shelter in Vilcabamba and the surrounding areas, but there are a few kind hearted folks & small organizations doing their best to make a difference. They house abandoned animals in their own homes and fund vet bills & food costs — largely out of their own pockets.

Kristine has been part of these local efforts to help abandoned & homeless dogs, working independently and teaming up with local rescue groups — Amigos de Animales Vilcabamba & Amor y Rescate Canino.
If you’d like to donate to our rescue efforts you can do so here. Your donations help us to continue to feed, house, spay/neuter and fund the vet care of dogs in need.
We are not currently accepting new fosters.
Our Rescues
Currently Seeking a Loving Home

Lily was abandoned with her sister in a hole to die at around 4 weeks old. They were found by a kind woman & we’ve been fostering them & nursing them back to health since. She is now happy, thriving & ready to go to her new home!